De Israelische blogger Y. K. Cherson zet haarfijn op een rijtje waarom Israelische luchthavens zoveel veiliger zijn dan Europese. Hier de inleiding van dit zeer lezenswaardige stuk.
Ben Gurion airport in Israel is the safest airport in the world. But when you visit it, you will not see armed men around. The airport looks so calm and defenceless…
But it´s only an illusion.
The norm of the Israeli security system in Ben Gurion airport is: any terrorist who will be insane enough to draw a gun will not live more than 10 seconds. Moreover, he will not even understand, who or what killed him.
Terrorist attacks in Brussels airport left Israeli experts speechless. What struck them most was an absolute and complete unporofessionalism and incompetence of the European security services.
By Israeli standards, the level of the readiness of security in European airports to deal with a terrorist attack is not just low; it´s, actually, “zero”.
Lees verder op de blog van de Israelische schrijver Y. K. Cherson: